It can be difficult to stay positive and upbeat through the gray skies, cold air, wind, and depressingly short days of winter.
The good news, in terms of the seasons, is that spring is here! The vitality of nature that has been dormant all winter is about to spring back to life. Renewal is about to begin.
We are all looking forward to sunshine streaming through the clouds, warm breezes, trees budding, flowers blooming, songbirds returning, longer days, lighter jackets, sandals, the roar of race engines at the local track, all of the sure signs that spring is here. And when spring arrives many of us will not be looking past it to the summer that’s coming. Because of the fleeting nature of spring the best way to enjoy it is as it is presented; one lovely day at a time.
That is the way to enjoy the renewal that is our new life in Christ, also; one lovely day at a time.
We can spend long seasons of life in the personal equivalent of winter where everything is dreary, where we are battered by the cold harsh winds of difficulty, where the life that we once enjoyed has become essentially dormant. These seasons of life are independent of the cycles of nature and they can come upon us at any time.
The good news, in terms of life, is that we can have spring every day!
2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that: 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.] The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
This is very good news indeed! The Lord’s mercies, the Scriptures tell us, are new every day. The power to begin our lives as new is contained in the power of the Holy Spirit of God and made available to us through identification with Jesus Christ!
As we look forward to the arrival of the renewing of the vitality of life that spring brings about, let’s also resolve to let the Good News of the coming of Christ renew the vitality of life that God has intended for us!